We are glad to introduce upcoming APS presentations from Thomas group!
Monday, March 15, 2021
Mesoatomic distortions and subdomain morphology in DG and DD networks
3:00 PM-3:12 PM
Edwin Thomas, Xueyan Feng, Christopher Burke, Abhiram Reddy, Gregory M Grason
Friday, March 19, 2021
Extraordinary KE Absorption in Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Mats under High Strain Rate Deformation
11:30 AM-11:42 AM
Jinho Hyon, Olawale Lawal, Thevamaran Ramathasan, Ye Eun Song, Edwin Thomas
Twins in tubular networks: (422) double gyroid twin & (222) double diamond twin
11:54 AM-12:06 PM
Xueyan Feng, Edwin Thomas
Novel Deformation Behaviors in Nanoscale Polymer Systems Via Supersonic Micro-Projectile Impact
12:06 PM-12:42 PM
Edwin Thomas
Highly Conductive, Reconfigurable Nanocomposites of a Nanostructured Carbon Material and a Dynamic Polymer Network
12:18 PM-12:30 PM
Zhen Sang, Qing Zhou, Frank Gardea, Svetlana Sukhishvili
High strain rate deformation of concentric layer diblock copolymer microspheres
01:54 PM-02:06 PM
Wenpeng Shan, Edwin Thomas, Inbal Weisbord, Tamar Segal-Peretz