Using an advanced microscopy technique called slice-and-view scanning electron microscopy tomography, researchers have uncovered a twin boundary defect in a soft polymer that has never been observed before.
Upcoming APS presentations from Thomas group
We are glad to introduce upcoming APS presentations from Thomas group!
Monday, March 15, 2021
Mesoatomic distortions and subdomain morphology in DG and DD networks
3:00 PM-3:12 PM
Edwin Thomas, Xueyan Feng, Christopher Burke, Abhiram Reddy, Gregory M Grason
Friday, March 19, 2021
Extraordinary KE Absorption in Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Mats under High Strain Rate Deformation
11:30 AM-11:42 AM
Jinho Hyon, Olawale Lawal, Thevamaran Ramathasan, Ye Eun Song, Edwin Thomas
Twins in tubular networks: (422) double gyroid twin & (222) double diamond twin
11:54 AM-12:06 PM
Xueyan Feng, Edwin Thomas
Novel Deformation Behaviors in Nanoscale Polymer Systems Via Supersonic Micro-Projectile Impact
12:06 PM-12:42 PM
Edwin Thomas
Highly Conductive, Reconfigurable Nanocomposites of a Nanostructured Carbon Material and a Dynamic Polymer Network
12:18 PM-12:30 PM
Zhen Sang, Qing Zhou, Frank Gardea, Svetlana Sukhishvili
High strain rate deformation of concentric layer diblock copolymer microspheres
01:54 PM-02:06 PM
Wenpeng Shan, Edwin Thomas, Inbal Weisbord, Tamar Segal-Peretz
Introduce Our New Lab at TAMU